The Artist’s Mindset is a 12-week online Group Coaching Program that focuses exclusively on how to develop a healthy creative mindset that will support your art-making

The Program brings the same personal work that I do with my 1 to 1 Coaching clients directly to you, in your home or workspace.

Through video tutorials, experiential assignments, and inner explorations you’ll unlock your creative expression and engage with your art at a much deeper and authentic level, allowing you to easily move past creative blocks and navigate the challenges that Artists often face when making their art.


Together we’ll explore the ways we can get out of our own way and on our own side, move past limitations and connect with ourselves – igniting our inner creative fire.


I’m really excited to begin. I hope you’ll join me.


As your Coach, I’ll be guiding you through a series of experiential exercises that will activate you, expand the idea of what art is about for you and allow you to see more clearly where you may be sabotaging your efforts to make your creative work.

Each week we’ll have a Live Group Coaching Session where I’ll be working with you on that week’s content. Together we'll dig deep, share our experiences, and ultimately learn from, and empower each other. These sessions will be chock-full of ideas, tools, inspiration and interaction – providing you with concrete methods for developing your creative resilience. I’ll even have some guest Artists and mentors joining me to expand our conversation.


This work is reflective, insightful and powerful. It will bring you into a process of self awareness, mindfulness and connection. You’ll learn how to best support your artist-self and manage the emotional labour that art-making often requires of us. You'll feel inspired and empowered to move your art-making further than you have before.


The enrolment for The Artist’s Mindset : Group Coaching Program will be limited so that we can form an intimate and nurturing group environment, travelling together and discovering our strengths.
 The Artist’s Mindset 12-week Group Coaching Program is only offered once a year, and I hope you'll join me.

Coming Fall of 2024


The value of a Group Coaching Program is two-fold. There is so much wisdom that comes through the shared learning experience. Having the opportunity to share your experience with other like-minded Artists, who understand what you’re going through and desiring for yourself is powerful.

Secondly, it's a much more affordable option than working with me individually. Payment can be made in full or you can choose a 3 month payment plan.

Payment details and program cost available closer to registration.


"I have learned through The Artist Mindset program that without inward looking and knowing myself, I will continue to struggle in my art practice. I can answer my own questions with confidence and I am able to navigate my way through resistance without judging myself harshly. Without the heartwork there is no artwork. "

Diane P.



  • You are curious about the creative process
  • You have ever struggled with knowing what to paint, where to find your inspiration or how to push yourself further in your work
  • You’ve experienced creative blocks – fear, resistance, avoidance – difficulty starting or making progress in your art making
  • You’re feeling isolated and alone in your art-making process and want more connection, understanding, and community
  • You’ve been working as an Artist for some time, but now feel stuck or unsure of the direction of your work
  • You want to stop concerning yourself with external opinions, make your work firstly for yourself and hear your inner guidance and wisdom more clearly
  • You struggle taking risks in your art, embracing change, letting go, or encountering the unknown
  • You're resistant to making your art and use avoidance and distraction as a way to relieve the discomfort. You find yourself waiting for the ideal conditions to arrive, spending precious time on social media, prioritizing other tasks over art-making, looking at other’s art or reading about making art – instead of making your art
  • You want to experience more peace when making your art, sustaining a regular and productive art practice that assists you in strengthening your work, making it potent and personal


Then this Program will awaken you to possibility and move you forward!




This program is intimately focussed on transforming our beliefs and mindset so that we can not only make better art, but have a set of tools and strategies to utilize moving forward.


While we may be sharing what we’re working on, celebrating our successes and unpacking our challenges along the way, this is not about the how-tos of art-making or a critique of your art. There are plenty of wonderful programs out there that offer that, one of which I highly recommend, if that is what you’re after.


The Artist's Mindset's mission is to create a nurturing, open and safe online space where we can do deeply personal work that is often connected to beliefs around WHO WE ARE. We'll explore together what’s possible and available for us as people, and ultimately as Artists. I am committed to holding space for you and setting out guidelines for this small community to align with this purpose.


Each one of you is a unique, creative being. I want to work with you to access this within yourself, finding the beautiful truth of who you are and bring that energy to your art-making. As you grow and evolve, so does your art.





  • How to connect with your authentic creative voice and clarify your inner vision for your art, exploring your internal image maker
  • What it means to work with risk and necessity and why embracing failure is essential for artistic growth
  • How to identify limiting thoughts and beliefs and what to do about them when they inevitably arrive
  • How to strengthen your relationship to your work and to yourself, and why this connection is important
  • How to freely engage with play and why this is necessary for activating your creative work
  • How to move past fear and resistance and identify it quickly before it takes hold
  • How to let go of unsupportive and critical thoughts that are sabotaging your growth and innate abilities
  • How to use specific strategies and tools that support your creative practice, help to get you unstuck, and transitioning you more easily into a creative space
  • How to easily find inspiration and generate ideas
  • How bringing mindfulness to your art practice builds resiliency and inner strength
  • How other Artists face these challenges with their work




The Artist’s Mindset : Group Coaching Program will be hosted on a private, dedicated website, hosted by Kajabi. Each week new Program content and exercises will be added to the website. You’ll be able to return to previous week’s content easily, should you miss anything due to other commitments.


We'll have weekly Live Group Coaching Sessions hosted through Zoom video conferencing, an online platform that is super easy to use through your desktop computer, smartphone or iPad.


There will be a private Facebook Group to support your connection with other group members through sharing discoveries. The weekly Zoom sessions will also be streamed Live to Facebook for your convenience. The private Facebook group will allow me to drop in from time to time and offer my insights and comments as we progress through the Program.


All content is recorded and available for you to access for an additional 6 months after the Program ends. Much of the content will be downloadable for you to keep!




"The Artist Mindset program provided me with a community of artists who were willing to share their struggles and their accomplishments in a safe environment. My biggest takeaway was strengthening my self confidence as an artist, as well as believing in my authentic voice. Cheryl is an exceptional coach with expertise in both the creative process and psychological hindrances to that process. I found the live online coaching calls exceptional and valuable in understanding more deeply the new material that was presented each week."

Karuna G.

This is your invitation – and permission slip – to finally free yourself and make art from a deeply inspired and intuitive place that already resides within you.

This program will be offered again in the Fall of 2024. Sign up to receive notification of when registration opens and to review all the details. Registration is limited.


Insight Creative : The Artist’s Mindset : 12-week Group Coaching Program


Join this intimate group of Artists as we travel together through a process of awakening your creative yearnings and making your most authentic art. 

I’m looking forward to working with you.


Questions? Please reach out to me at [email protected] 


I’m Cheryl Taves, a Visual Artist and Creativity Coach. I’ll be your guide and champion throughout the 12-weeks of The Artist's Mindset Program.

I have been a working Artist since 2004, when I graduated from a formal Fine Arts program. At that time what I was engaged with most in my work was critical thinking and looking at my work for its formal and conceptual aspects.


While this served me well, it also left me with a huge gap in my understanding about what it takes to be an Artist. I struggled – a lot, actually – and often felt completely overwhelmed by my internal dialogue, critical thoughts and judgements, feeling deeply locked in my own fear of failure. I found myself stalled, blocked and resistant to making my art.


By 2014 I had almost given up on my art. It was then that I – out of necessity – made it my personal mission to understand this patterning that was preventing me from taking risks in my work. I began questioning and seeking out guidance from mentors. It was at this time that I began a 7-month mentorship with California Artist, Nicholas Wilton. What I came to understand was that my mindset was the greatest challenge I was facing in making my art, and just how powerful and necessary it was to cultivate a healthy and sustainable Artist mindset.


In early 2016 I was invited to join Nicholas Wilton's team of Coaches, assisting and supporting the hundreds of participants in his Art2life Creative Visionary Program and the Art2life Academy. The three programs I supported through my coaching, provided for a fully immersive experience and one I am deeply grateful to have had. I was able to work with so many talented Artists, build my Coaching skill-set and bring my passion for nurturing the Artist’s mindset to his coaching mix .


I have always had a strong interest in personal development and psychology. In 2001 I trained as a lay counsellor and then went-on to be a co-facilitator at a local counselling centre training program. This time not only helped me to grow and face some of my personal issues, but it also allowed me to develop skills and solution-focussed approaches that could assist my counselling clients.


In my creativity coaching I bring my passions for art-making and personal development together. I love helping Artists to discover how they can deepen their connection to themselves and trust the process of art-making. Through my work with my individual clients, and with the many members of the Creative Visionary Programs, I have come to truly understand how to best support an Artist's journey.




"I wasn’t really sure if I needed this program because I was already working on a regular basis, but this course may be one of the most valuable I’ve ever taken to help me move my art forward, to be more mindful while I paint and to question what arises – leading me to take more risks and show up authentically in my work. "

Robin O.



Week 1 : Creativity Journal

Week 1 is all about getting settled into the program. We’ll begin to get to know each other by introducing ourselves and sharing our goals as Artists. Week 1 is the first step in building our community of Artists that support and inspire each other – your travelling companions for the next 12 weeks!


I’ll introduce you to using a sketchbook/creativity journal. We’ll be talking about how to make one for yourself and how we’ll be using them throughout the program to deepen and strengthen the work we’ll be doing.


We’ll gather online for our first Live Coaching Session via Zoom, where I will share with you how to best prepare to get the most from the Program and you can bring your questions.


Week 2 : Creating a Play Space

This week we’ll begin to explore the inner terrain of self by engaging with the power of play and creating a safe space for ourselves that requires no outcome or result. Through specific exercises and reflective explorations we’ll be making observations and discoveries about ourselves to more clearly understand where we are at with this integral aspect of the creative process. How easily can you engage with your play space?


I’ll be sharing an interview with a guest Artist who leads workshops in this area – offering you another perspective in the aspect of play.


You’ll learn how being mindful of your inner space will allow you to surrender attachments and make more room in your creative practice for exploration in your art making. And, we’ll have some fun doing it!


We’ll share our experiences with each other, always meeting whatever arrives with compassion and curiosity.


Week 3 : The Inner Gaze

In Week 3 we’ll begin to really look at the relationship we have with ourselves and how we can bring more kindness into that most important relationship. The relationship we have with ourselves is inextricably linked to the relationship we have with our art, so we want to nurture this and get on our own side.


Through the exploratory exercise and Live Session we’ll begin to unpack the beliefs we may be holding about ourselves, and our art. When we can be honest with ourselves about our inner dialogue, we can then make changes that support the truth about who we really are, and bring that energy into our creative work.


Through support and guidance you will begin to trust that you can make the changes necessary to fully engage with your art making from a vibrant and authentic place.


Week 4 : The Art of Non-Attachment

Week 4 is where we’ll begin to explore the concept of letting go in our art making. We’ll be discussing attachment and why that can prevent us from making important shifts in our work. I’ll be talking about the importance of risk in our art-making and how to best set yourself up for it by observing your unique creative cycle.


By paying close attention to our flow of energy we’ll be the curious, compassionate observers of our own processes. We’ll focus on the key areas of art making that every Artist must learn to master.


This week’s exercise is specifically geared towards illuminating just how beneficial it is to let go of parts, if not all of your painting, for the betterment of the piece. We will go on a journey that will reveal to you that creativity is an endless supply and you are always able to access the creative flow in your work. We’ll follow this up in our Live Session with some surprises!

Week 5 : Your Internal Image Maker

This week we will be travelling inwards to discover our own internal, visual language and image maker. Through accessing the visionary that lives inside of you, you’ll be able to connect with your authentic, creative expression – your unique style, your artist’s voice.


Every Artist has a voice and this week’s exercise will lead you towards accessing the place within you where that resides. You’ll get in touch with your personal vocabulary and revisit a time when this came easily to you.


It’s an exciting week to recognize just how much you have to tap into….you are an endless source of inspiration for yourself!


Week 6 : Using Influence In Your Work

In Week 6 we will focus on working effectively with the role of influence in our art-making. We’ll come to understand how it can play a positive role and help you to discover how the seeds of your own work can be found in what you’re attracted to.


I’ll be talking the concept of Imposter Syndrome and we’ll begin to touch on how to manage fear, resistance and creative blocks by paying closer attending to our thoughts and inner critic.


This week’s exercise will expand your thinking and allow you to use the role of influence to your advantage, getting a handle on comparison energy.


Week 7 : Finding Inspiration

This week’s focus is all about how we find inspiration for our art making. We’ll be talking about various methods that can help generate ideas and give you a starting place to work from, helping you to move easily into creative flow.


There will be two exercises this week – each one having you engage with inspiration in different ways. Through this work you’ll come to understand that all Artists are keen observers. We can see inspiring colour, shape and design – often in the ordinary and mundane. By staying present to what bubbles up at these times you’ll see these observations as rich ground to pull ideas and inspiration from.


Week 8 : Loosening Up!

In week 8 we’ll begin working with some real tools and strategies for moving past inertia and creative blocks. This is often a challenge place for Artists especially when encountering external influences like making work for an exhibition or taking on a commission. This is when we most need a resilient, creative mindset. We’ll dive into some potent topics such as managing feelings of discomfort, and how to embrace failure in our work.


You'll be introduced to the idea of primer exercises and how you can use them – and other strategies –  to unlock yourself from the hold of fear and resistance when it inevitably arrives.


Week 9 : Moving Forward with Limitations

Continuing and building on last week’s theme, Week 9 is where we will closely observe the habits and patterns we are bringing to our art making. We'll look at what it is that's getting in our way and causing us to attach too soon. We’ll be talking about the concept of preciousness and the ways we can quickly shift ourselves out of this potential pitfall.


I'll introduce another primer exercise and we'll explore what happens for us when we bring in limitations for ourselves. We’ll continue on the path towards understanding how we can truly let go.


Week 10 : Owning Your Truth

Week 10 is the first in a series of weeks where we’ll be reinforcing what we are learning by reflecting on what we have come to know about ourselves, our creative process, and the mindset we need to hold in order to enrich our art practice. By gathering and creating a set of guidelines – what I like to call our ‘knowable truths’ – we’ll reinforce and integrate these new habits and understandings.


In this week’s exercise we’ll begin drafting our Creativity Manifesto. A manifesto is a powerful way to commit to the changes we are making and establish a roadmap for our future. We’ll be working together closely in these final weeks to ensure that you become your own Creativity Coach!


Week 11 : The Real Deal

In Week 11 we really start to work with what we have been learning and discovering about ourselves – practising our new habits and our new state of being. We are empowered with knowledge and awareness that now allows us to observe ourselves more easily and make the necessary shifts that will best support our engagement with our art making.


We’ve been practising moving between discernment and creative flow. We’ve learned how to move past blocks and stagnation in our work. We’ve developed methods, unique to us, that allow us to feel more at ease, more inspired and less affected by our inner critic and any external influences.


Our exercise this week brings all this together as we engage with something more challenging. While you still have the support of this Program, you’ll get to test drive your new skill set and really validate your own growth. We’ll be inviting in some external pressure to really activate our own inner coaching skills….and I’ll be here to support you along the way!


Week 12 : Ongoing Self Commitment

In our final week of the Program we’ll take stock of the journey we’ve been on together. We'll celebrate our successes, and acknowledge ourselves for the commitment we made, and are continuing to make, to ourselves and our art making.


We’ll review the foundation and structure that you’ve built for yourself and put together our Action Plan for how we’ll continue to support and nurture our creative mindset beyond the time of this program.


Our final exercise this week will really help you to cement the core ideas, incorporating them into your thinking and actions, allowing you to feel confident that you have mastery over your mindset...and we’ll celebrate our radical self-acceptance.


"The Artist's Mindset program has been an enormously rewarding, exciting journey for me, rich in new insights and strategies on how to develop and maintain an ongoing healthy and productive artist’s mindset and ways of working. Cheryl has created a highly professional, enjoyable, excellent program with lasting benefits. And on top of all of that, she has really been an amazingly authentic, generous, big-hearted teacher and coach to all of us who took part in the Program. "

David D.


Graduates of The Artist's Mindset : Group Coaching Program can receive ongoing support for their mindset practice by joining the The Artist's Mindset Community.

This exclusive membership community allows you to continue to nurture and build your mindset skills in a safe and supportive environment, while sharing with like-minded artists from the program.

Each month you can join in a Live Group Coaching Session where you can ask questions and reconnect with the valuable work you did in the program. You’ll also find inspiration content, forum discussions, creative prompts, and monthly reflections.

All the details and an invitation to join this private community, hosted on a dedicated website, will be provided upon the completion of the 12-week online Group Coaching Program, The Artist's Mindset.


Ideally if you have 2-4 hours per week to dedicate to the program content and another 2-4 hours to do the assigned exercises, you’ll get the benefits of the Program. The more time you’re able to give to this work, the deeper you’ll be able to go, and that will ultimately enhance your experience.

Much of the work of this Program is self directed – for good reason. You are on a path of self-discovery and inner reflection. Time spent with yourself, in this process, will offer you insights and opportunities for growth.

No, you do not need to have experience to join this Program. If you’re just beginning to make your art, this information will set you up for success and help you to meet any challenges along the way.

You’ll also understand more clearly the creative process and importance of mindset – an understanding that may have taken you years to come to know and experience on your own.

This is an online Program and you’ll need to have some basic technology and basic experience with it. The Artist’s MIndset Program is hosted on Kajabi, a private website that you’ll need to login to and follow basic navigation.

Our weekly Live Session will be hosted through Zoom, an online platform, which will require you to have a desktop computer, smartphone or iPad with a built-in microphone in order to ask questions or participate in the Live Sessions. If you don’t have access to a microphone you’ll still be able to join in and listen to the sessions. There will be an opportunity to write in your questions ahead of each session for me to answer during the live session.

We will also have a private Facebook Group as a part of this Program. While it’s not a requirement that you join Facebook to be in this Program, you will not be able to access this group without a Facebook Profile. All the Program content will be available to you on the dedicated Program website, but the Facebook Group will no doubt be home to some rich interactions with the Program participants.

I understand that life comes with interruptions and plans can sometimes not align. All of the Program content for each week remains on the website for you to access when you’re able to return to the Program. The Live Sessions are recorded and can also be accessed on the website.

You can work at your own pace, but I strongly recommend that you follow the Program content as it is laid out, week by week, as it builds on itself and takes you through a progression that will enhance your experience.

You will have access to The Artist's Mindset Program website where you can view all the material for a full year after the Program ends.


This year the Live Coaching Sessions are on Tuesdays at 12:00pm PDT via Zoom. You'll be sent a link by email ahead of the session to join us.

The Live Sessions will be recorded for you and accessible both on the website and in the private Facebook Group within 24-48 hours after the Live Session.

You can submit any written questions you may have ahead of the Live Session as well. 

If you have any issues accessing the Program, I’m here to support you and get things working for you. Just drop me an email at i[email protected]

I’ll be dropping into the Program website every weekday to respond to your questions and insights and support your progress.

The Artist’s Mindset Program is online, hosted on a private dedicated website powered by Kajabi. Upon registration you’ll be prompted to set up your Kajabi account with your login credentials. 

You will also be sent a welcome email through Kajabi with a link to access the Program using your login credentials.

The Artist's Mindset Program will be offered in the Fall of 2023. An official start date will be established and we’ll all begin this journey together then. Once registration opens you’ll be able to secure your spot and will have access to a webpage with some introductory videos to watch to get you started...including ‘How to Make Your Creativity Journal.’

You’ll find an easy-to-reference Program Overview on the website as well.

While it’s not a requirement that you join Facebook to be in this Program, you will not be able to access the Artist’s Mindset Private Facebook Group without a Facebook Profile. If you’re new or resistant to Facebook, you can set up a very limited personal profile that allows you to access the Private Facebook Group, while respecting values you may have around discretion and privacy. We suggest using your real first name (at least), so other members of this private group know who you are.

All the Program content will be available to you on the dedicated Program website, so you won’t be missing any of the Program content.

Yes, you can choose your payment option – a one time payment or three monthly payments. Pricing details for this program will be available when registration opens.

Payment for the Artist’s Mindset Program is through PayPal – which allows you to use your credit card if you prefer. The program price is offered to you in Canadian dollars and PayPal will do the dollar conversion for you.

The purpose of The Artist’s Mindset Program is to provide you with a focussed and in-depth experience related to how you’re thinking and responding to the act of making your art. For this reason I won’t be providing feedback on your art and will happily recommend other Programs that offer that.

All of the content in The Artist’s Mindset Program will be available for you to access for a full year after the Program ends. You’ll have access to both the dedicated website, with all the videos and Live Session recordings. The audio files and PDFs are all downloadable for you to keep.

The private Facebook Group will be accessible for you for 6 months after the Program ends.

My role as your coach and guide will end at the completion of the 12-week Program. However, you will receive an invitation to join The Artist's Mindset Community, where we can continue our work together.


"The Artist Mindset program provided a safe environment to explore risk in the creative environment including how to silence the inner critic, how to explore one's own voice, and how to move forward when one is uncertain of the outcome."

Kathy E.

"Any artist seeking more heartfelt authenticity in their work will benefit from The Artist's Mindset. I now allow, invite, and welcome creativity from a more personal inner source and make art with more purpose and meaning."

Suzanne D.


Thank you for considering working with me. I am truly blessed to do this work and love supporting Artists, helping them to find confidence and peace as they navigate the creative process. 

If we don't get the opportunity to work together this year, please enjoy many of the free resources that come to you through my bi-monthly newsletter. I hope what I share nourishes and supports your creativity.



 If you have any questions about The Artist’s Mindset : Group Coaching Program please reach out to me at [email protected]




50% Complete

Two Step

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